Friday 9 October 2015

Research and Planning: Music Video Inspiration Moodboard

Music Video Moodboard

After gathering more of an idea of what we wanted to include in our music video, we created more detailed mood boards.

We created this mood board to highlight some of our inspirations for our music video. We aim to make something aesthetically similar to this.
Filming on location means you can never be sure of what is going to happen in terms of weather and setting; so some of the inspiration reflects this. As we're going for an aesthetically pleasing music video, a lot of the shots we aim to capture will be ones of the scenery and the location hence some of the outside pictures where the location is largely seen.

We aim to capture the protagonist(s) doing mundane things whilst creating good cinematography which fits in the style of the music video. There isn't much of a narrative storyline to the music video and so this gives us more of a chance to use a variety of shots, editing techniques and special effects.
Having a running theme such as pastel could be beneficial, but rather than aim to have a theme and once we film not be able to achieve it; keeping it as inspiration is best, as it's something we can perhaps incorporate but don't have to stick to it.
Clothing is important as they often match the music video and location; which is something we'll have to take into account now we've decided a location. In all of these music videos, the fashion style matches and helps fit the aesthetic of the overall video, which is something we aim for.

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