Friday 9 October 2015

Research and Planning: Location Mood Board

We created this mood board which shows the various locations we intend to film in; Camber Sands, Camden and in London Underground tube stations.
Despite not having a narrative, we wanted to film in contrasting locations so we chose to film in the urban location of Camden Town which has a lot of bright, colourful murals, lakes and markets. This location is full of people and is quite a busy place.
Camber Sands is the complete opposite being a quiet, isolated beach which would give the video a complete different feel. The music genre and concept that we are going for best suits this location, however after looking at similar music videos we realised that most music videos don't film in just one location they have several.
Whilst the music video is conceptual, we didn't want to jump from one location to another; so we thought it'd be best to film in London Underground as it could be used to transition between locations fluidly. The only downfall to filming here is that we won't know the conditions of the setting until we arrive, it could be extremely busy which would make filming impossible or it could be empty which would be ideal.

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