Saturday 7 November 2015

Construction: Filming - Camden, Camber Sands

We filmed in two main places, the busy location of Camden which features a lot of street art and vibrant colours and the much more calmer and overall serene Camber Sands. We purposely wanted the two locations to contrast each other which would make the music video much more visually entertaining to watch.

Camden & Camden Lock
Filming in Camden proved to be very straightforward we had no problems and I found the lip syncing very easy although at times I was a bit nervous to do it in public, I think it became easier as I was filming and therefore had a camera so it made what we were doing a bit more obvious. Choosing to film in quirky, off the cuff places such as graffiti walls and small niche places that featured nature or bright neon lights really helped convey the overall look we wish to achieve for our music video. The lights would have looked a lot more nicer and brighter if we shot at night, but we were conscious of loosing light and filming enough footage. A lot of the shots we filmed were filler shots, small shots that could be used as a transition piece in our music video; these featured both Charlotte and Lia. Whilst filming, I also took pictures that could be used for our poster and digipak as we were keen to make sure that a similar theme runs throughout.

Camber Sands
Our second location we filmed in was Camber Sands, a small sandy beach on the coast of Camber. Once again we filmed a variety of shots, I really liked the camera angles we achieved when I was lip syncing as it will make the music video a lot more visual. We wanted to complete a match on action shot that we started in Camden, a medium over the shoulder shot of Charlotte and Lia. She is holding a picture and looks over her shoulder at the camera which is something we matched up. I was surprised at how easily we managed to frame the shots so it would edit together seamlessly. We again filmed some filler shots of Charlotte and Lia walking which we could edit in to show mirroring between the two locations. We decided we wanted to use a pan to end the song and decided to record it with myself sitting down and looking up at the sky. One problem we encountered, besides the cold temperatures, was the camera. We shot mid afternoon, just before sunset, however the camera couldn't detect the difference between the sea and the sky and so it blurred the two colours together and made a lot of the shots look white.

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