Thursday 5 November 2015

Research and Planning: Auditions

We held auditions for someone to feature in our music video alongside myself and whittled it down to a total of four people. The person we cast isn't required to lip-sync as they aren't the artist, I am, and so they will be used purely to make the music video more dynamic and visually interesting.

Sophie Baxter

Sophie had a good sense of fashion, which is something we were keen about because it's something that's important to our conceptual music video. Whilst she does have a good sense of fashion, overall we think it doesn't fit the theme we wish to portray and the message of the song/lyrics.

Georgina Welton
Georgina looked like she fit the general look we was going for; however there was a few things that didn't fit our concept - such as her fashion style. Whilst it was good it didn't match the casual almost androgynous look that we hoped to achieve, Georgina overall is a lot more feminine which reflects in the way she dresses.

Caitlin Mettle

Caitlin looked too sweet to cast in our music video; through no fault of her own if we had casted Caitlin she would have made the music video seem almost too youthful. Her fashion sense fit the theme and overall concept which is annoying as she would have been the perfect candidate.

Charlotte Springate

Charlotte was the ideal candidate. Her fashion sense matched the concept completely and she also had the right mix of androgyny which fit the aesthetic we were hoping to achieve.

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