Tuesday 15 December 2015

Evaluation: Front and Back - Initial Draft

Our first digipak draft was based off of a wide spectrum of popular digipaks of world wide music genres and styles that has inspired us. You can see that here.

Front Cover
 Initially, our first idea for the digipak, linking with the main track "Under Control" was the key theme of youth. The "youth" idea was represented through the flowers behind the outline of Lia as our artist. The colour scheme is pinks-whites-blacks. The white to black gradient is supposed to reference youth, and how there isn't a colour defining youth, and that this generation's youth deals with life in different ways. The pink relates to the blooming flower, as flowers relate to youth well.

Back Cover

The back cover reflected the negative side of youth. With the title of the entire album being "The Kids Aren't Alright", we wanted to emulate both the positive and negative aspects of life, with "Under Control" being a song with the meaning that this generation has many struggles. The flowers from the front cover are in this, as well as Lia, but not just her outline like in the front cover, which leads the audience to think that the album, artist and main song has more depth to it that initially thought.

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