Wednesday 16 December 2015

Evaluation: Logo

As mentioned in an earlier blog post, we created Odd Internet as an independent record label.

We designed this simple, yet effective logo that would allow our brand to become distinctive compared to other logos. The black and white colour scheme stands out against colourful backgrounds, which is something we intend to have as a running theme throughout our ancillary texts. The shortening of the word 'Internet' to 'INTNT' was done to make the logo more current and contemporary; it also looks stylistically pleasing to look at. It makes the logo shorter, impacting and snappy. The two symbols at the top represent both sound waves that comically are seen projecting from speakers but also links to the WiFi symbol.

The sound waves instantly inform the consumer that this is a music industry company and that we release music. The WiFi connotations link back to our name 'Odd Internet' which stems from the two groups we took inspiration from when creating our artist, 'Odd Future' and 'The Internet'. The name indicates that as a company we have future aspirations that aren't solely focused on music, we intend to reach our consumers on various media platforms such as using the internet to achieve this.

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