Wednesday 30 September 2015

Research and Planning: Storyboarding

When creating our storyboard we knew it wouldn't match the music video exactly as we were going for a conceptual music video and we were also filming on location which meant there was a lot of factors that might have hindered us from achieving the camera shots/angles we hoped to achieve. 

A lot of the storyboard are various ideas that we had for the music video that we hope to try out and then we'll review the footage later. We decided to structure our music video like this because its conceptual based and therefore it's hard to determine how it'll turn out. Ideas for a good shot might not look as visually pleasing as we had originally hoped once we look back on it; likewise we might have really good ideas for shots but when it comes to filming on location it might not work or unforeseeable factors might prohibit us from filming. 

We hope to include a variety of angles and shots that fit with the conceptual theme as well as using clever editing to show match on action. We gained a lot of inspiration from both Western and international artists and their music videos; the idea of using a cleverly editing match on action is something we want to try as we feel it'll make our music video stand out and link nicely with the concept that we are hoping to achieve. Low and high angle shots is another thing we hope to try as it makes the content more interesting for audience members to watch, it forces them to watch from another angle that they're not used to watching content from - therefore it stays longer in their head.

Overall, we want the music video to have a chilled, relax sort of vibe about it. We want it to be aesthetically pleasing to watch and therefore hope to have a colour theme that runs throughout. We want the visuals of the music video to reflect the message of the song, that the protagonist has it under control but there's an element that is slightly slipping, a facade.